Value Proposition

The Q-Alpha display will provide pilots with enhanced awareness of critical flight parameters, allowing them to fly safer and more fuel-efficient mission profiles. 

A very achievable 25% reduction in the number of fatal Approach/Landing and LoC accidents over the next 10 years can save 500+ lives and $6+ Billion.

A very achievable 25% reduction in the number of Unstable Approaches and non-fatal Approach/Landing accidents over the next 10 years can save $3+ Billion.

Finally, cost-benefit analysis has shown that the Q-Alpha display can save airlines enough money within its first year of operation to pay for its installation.

Small Device, Big Benefits

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safer landings and fewer runway excursions

Reduces the likelihood of expensive aircraft damage due to landing accidents/incidents caused by undershoot/overshoot, runway excursions and abnormal runway contact.

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Helps pilots maintain energy awareness especially during high workload, stressful situations such as landing, resulting in fewer go-arounds that burn excess fuel.


More on-time arrivals and a better passenger experience

Reduces departure/arrival delays, thereby enhancing traffic management efficiencies and reducing fleet-wide fuel consumption.


Shifting the Bell Curve

Within any typical group of pilots there is susceptibility to automation complacency

Q-Alpha shifts the classic bell curve in these environments to the right

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